The trademark index refers to the name and symbol registered according to the relevant legal procedures and obtained the trademark certificate, and used as the value standard formed by the transaction and its application.
Trademark Index
The brand index refers to the unique logo or name that has been verified by the market and has a certain historical existence, including logo management, technology and corresponding process flow, market influence areas, etc., and is used as the value standard and application of the transaction.
Brand Index
The copyright index, including computer programs, literary works, musical works, photographic works, movies, etc., is used as the value standard formed by the transaction and its application.
Copyright Index
The patent index refers to the invention or practical technology that has passed the review process of the government patent department and obtained a patent certificate, which is used as the value standard formed by the transaction and its application.
Patent Index
Art index refers to art forms that can provide proof of ownership and bear relevant legal responsibilities, including but not limited to paintings, sculptures, crafts, designs, etc., as the value standard formed by the transaction and its application.
Artwork Index
Art License index refers to the derivative behaviors and performance forms of commercial value mining based on various forms of artwork, which are used as the value standard formed by the transaction and its application.
Art License Index